Innovative Technologies.


Face Mask and Protective Clothing Testing Equipment - Face Mask Flame Retardant Tester

Face Mask Flame Retardant Tester

Face Mask Flame Retardant Tester ToronFM-FRT is a specialized instrument designed to assess the flame retardant performance of medical masks. It tests the mask's flammability when exposed to flame at a specific linear speed.


  1. YY 0469
  2. EN 149
  3. IS 9473
  4. EN 14325
  5. GB 19083
  6. GB 2626

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  1. The Face Mask fixture consists of a metal human head mold, simulating real-world mask usage.
  2. The burner features a combustible gas interface, such as propane (liquefied gas).
  3. The burner height is adjustable and can be timed and positioned automatically.
  4. Burning time and flame retardant duration are automatically recorded and displayed digitally.
  5. The system includes a flame temperature probe and displays the flame temperature.
Model ToronFM-FRT
Linear speed of the tip of nose on head model (60 ±5) mm/s
Flame height Initial height 40±4mm (adjustable)
Diameter of flame temperature 1.5mm
The temperature of the flame (800 ± 50) ℃ at a height of (20 ± 2) mm from the top of the burner
Distance between top of the burner and lowest point of the mask (20 ± 2) mm
Adjustment range of burner height 30mm
Thickness of the metal mold 2~3mm, flame resistant
Timer of burning time and smoldering time 0-99.99 seconds, accuracy: ±0.1 seconds
Gas Propane gas
Weight 100kg
Voltage AC220V, 50Hz, 50W (110V is also available)
Quote Form
Please Contact us for pricing, check availability, or ask for additional information about our Face Mask Flame Retardant Tester
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