Innovative Technologies.


Disintegration Tester - Disintegration Tester With Independent Timer - ToronDT-6AL

Disintegration Tester With Independent Timer - ToronDT-6AL

ToronDT-6AL Disintegration Tester features six USP baskets with independent timers and motors, ensuring precise testing. It offers smooth, swivel-free basket movement, a programmable temperature controller, and a magnetically coupled pump for consistent water circulation. Designed for reliability, it includes automatic basket parking, a splash-resistant panel, and green illumination for clear visibility.


( ToronDT Holder for Basket 40 Mesh 24.5 mm (Set of 6) – 0104A00206

100 ml Vessels (6 rows X 7 vessel each)

1000 ml vessels – 1101A00003

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  1. Supports six USP baskets
  2. Two basket pairs operate independently with separate timers and motors
  3. Snap-click loading with smooth, swivel-free basket movement
  4. Programmable temperature control
  5. Magnetically coupled pump ensures consistent water circulation
  6. Automatic basket parking at the top position
  7. Ergonomically designed, splash-resistant control panel
  8. External probe for precise beaker temperature monitoring
  9. Dual-range timer (min/sec & hrs/min)
  10. Smooth, maintenance-free operation
  11. Sleek yet durable design
  12. Gearless drive for enhanced performance
  13. Green illumination for clear visibility of the disintegration process
Model ToronDT-6AL
Number of baskets 6
Number of strokes 30+ 1 strokes/minute
Stroke length 55 mm + 2 mm
Number of tubes per basket 6
No. of motors 3
Range 20°C to 39.9°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Timer Display 4 digit LED each
Heater 750 Watts
Sensor RTD
No. of timers 3
Range 1 1 sec. to 59 mins. 59 secs.
Range 2 1 min. to 9 hrs. 59 mins.
Power consumption 1 K VA
Dimensions (LxWxH) 924 mm x 360 mm x 518 mm
Weight 32 kgs
Electrical Power 220/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 600 W/2.6 Amp 110 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 600 W/5.5 Amp

Ordering Information

Product Code
Description Quantity
0240800 ToronDT-6AL (Body made of S.S.) -230V 1
0220800 ToronDT-6AL (Body made of M.S.) -230V 1
0230800 ToronDT-6AL (Body made of S.S.) -110V 1
0210800 ToronDT-6AL (Body made of M.S.) -110V 1

Optional accessories

Part number Description Quantity
0204800018 Water bath with heater, sensor, cable & connector 1
0201A00013 ToronDT Glass beaker 6
0202A00021 ToronDT-L Six tube basket assembly with guided disc 6
0201A00004 ToronDT Guided disc for six tube basket assembly 36
0202A00014 ToronDT-L external probe 1
Quote Form
Please Contact us for pricing, check availability, or ask for additional information about our Disintegration Tester With Independent Timer – ToronDT-6AL
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