Innovative Technologies.


Liquid Density Tester - Liquid Density Tester TTD-214G

Liquid Density Tester TTD-214G

Liquid Density Tester TTD-214G, designed for highly precise liquid density measurements. With a maximum weight capacity of 210g, this tester offers an exceptional weighing precision of 0.0001g and a density precision of 0.0001g/cc. It can measure concentration ranges from 0.01% to 100.00%, making it perfect for detailed laboratory and industrial applications.

Max weight: 210g

Weighing precision: 0.0001g

Density precision: 0.0001g/cc

Concentration: 0.01%-100.00%

Density Meter, Density Tester, Densimeter, Specific Gravity Tester
Density Meter, Density Tester, Densimeter, Specific Gravity Tester
Density Meter, Density Tester, Densimeter, Specific Gravity Tester
Density Meter, Density Tester, Densimeter, Specific Gravity Tester
Density Meter, Density Tester, Densimeter, Specific Gravity Tester

Suitable for

Acid Solution, Alkaline Solution, Saline Solution, Anti-oxidant Solution.


According to the standard test method of ASTM, JIS, ISO,  GB/T13531, T5526, T5009, the buoyancy Method using the Archimedes principle is applied. The relative density and concentration of the liquid are obtained.

How Can We Help You?

Contact our sales team for a quotation.

1. Capable of measuring the specific gravity of various liquids, including general liquids, high viscosity fluids, suspensions, emulsions, and colloidal dispersions.
2. Works seamlessly with a constant temperature water tank to measure liquid specific gravity at the desired temperature.
3. Liquid Density Tester TTD-214G features an Infrared temperature probe for automatic liquid temperature measurement.
4. Includes a mixing ratio function to determine the proportion of primary materials in two mixed substances. For instance, calculate the glass fiber content using the mixing ratio setting.
5. Requires just 50cc of liquid to swiftly display its density. Any weight can serve as the standard value, ensuring ease of operation.
6. Liquid Density Tester TTD-214G equipped with a state-of-the-art touch screen for effortless operation and instant display of all measurement data.
7. Offers two concentration functions, allowing density solutions to be converted into concentration values.
8. Enables the purchase of a weight set tailored to the characteristics of the liquid being measured.
9. The Teflon weight set is available for measuring the specific gravity of hydrofluoric acid liquids.

Max weight
Weighing Precision
Density precision
Relative density range
0.0001~2.2000(Glass Weight)
With temperature sensor, it can measure liquid temperature
Quote Form
Please Contact us for pricing, check availability, or ask for additional information about our Liquid Density Tester TTD-214G
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