Innovative Technologies.


Torontech X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer Supports Mining Research at Quebec College

PeDX Portable XRF Analyzer, Oil Analyzer

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a technique that allows researchers to determine the elemental and chemical makeup of a broad array of materials, including liquids, foods, biological samples, powders, and metal alloys. In particular, companies in mining, metals manufacturing, and consumer electronics increasingly require these devices, which provide accurate measurements while minimizing the cost and energy needed for testing.

Torontech’s XRF Spectra 1300 Standard Analyzer is a desktop energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analyzer that meets these challenges by eliminating the need to use liquid nitrogen, a method often used on older designs for cooling purposes.

With an efficient air-cooling system and a powerful detector that supports Cl (Z=17) to U (Z=92), this analyzer is capable of evaluating a wide range of element concentrations in diverse substances. In addition to providing this flexibility, the XRF Spectra 1300 is optimized for the analysis of metal alloy compositions, where precise results are particularly vital: the device yields result accurate within 0.3%, and its detection limit is better than 1 ppm for most elements in a light matrix.

Torontech recently delivered the XRF Spectra 1300 Standard Analyzer to a chemistry laboratory at Cégep de Sept-Îles College in Quebec, where it will enable the study of fine powder samples for traces of minerals such as hematite and chalcopyrite.

By ensuring that faculty members and students benefit from the latest testing standards, the XRF Spectra 1300 will support the continued growth of this regional hub for mining research and education, as well as of Canada’s mining industry as a whole.

To explore our extensive range of XRF Analyzers, please visit our website.

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