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Home - Concrete & Cement Testing Equipment

Concrete & Cement Testing Equipment

Welcome to Torontech, the forefront of state-of-the-art cement and concrete testing equipment. Our innovative solutions, including Cement Compression Testers and Concrete Compression Machines, are designed to meet and exceed ASTM, EN, ISO, and other international standards. With a solid track record of supplying top-tier testing equipment to North American and global construction industries, universities, and research laboratories, Torontech stands out for its competitive pricing and unparalleled quality. Discover how our innovative products can elevate your testing capabilities and ensure the highest standards of construction integrity and research accuracy.

Product Categories

Cement Compression Tester

Cement Compression Tester: TTCF-300/10kN Computer Control Compression-Flexural Testing Machine is designed for...

Concrete Compression Tester

Concrete Compression Testers are essential tools for determining the compressive strength of concrete specimens, widely used across construction, civil engineering...

Cement Compression and Flexure Tester

Cement Compression and Flexure Tester is utilized for testing the strength of cement or mortar cube specimens and the...

Vicat Apparatus

Vicat Apparatus is designed to determine the initial and final setting time of cement and mortar paste.

Automatic Vicat Needle

Torontech offers Automatic Vicat needle unit is to determine the initial and final setting time of cement.

Automatic Vicat Needle Apparatus - 6 Stations

The Automatic Vicat Needle Apparatus - 6 Stations is used for testing materials that have no real melting points.

Blaine Apparatus Air Permeability Tester

Blaine Apparatus Air Permeability Tests can be done by any one of Torontech's Blaine test apparatus.

Concrete Grinding Machine – Double Abrasive

Concrete Grinding Machine – Double Abrasive ToronConGrind-200 designed for grinding and polishing concrete specimens, natural stones, ceramics, and rock samples...

Los Angeles Abrasion Tester – LA Abrasion Machine

Los Angeles Abrasion Tester – LA Abrasion Machine Toron-LA-C131 features a durable rolled steel drum with a 12mm wall thickness, an inside diameter of 710mm, and an internal length of 510mm...

Asphalt Content Tester - Ignition Oven

Asphalt Content Tester - Ignition Oven ToronACT-T308 is a microcontroller-based system designed for fast and accurate asphalt content analysis using the...

Concrete Pipe Testing Machine

Concrete Pipe Testing Machine – ToronCPTM-600 is a high-performance concrete pipe testing machine designed for precise and reliable strength assessments...

Concrete Compression Tester 1000 KN (225000 lb.f) - TT-CMT1000 Series Demo Unit

TT-CMT1000 series computer-controlled hydraulic compression testing machines are mainly used to test compression strength of cement, concrete, rocks, brick in...

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