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Innovative Technologies.


XRF And XRD Analyzers

Discover the pinnacle of handheld analysis with our XRF And XRD Analyzer series. From the TrueX Handheld XRF Analyzer to the PeDX Handheld XRF Analyzer and the ScopeX RoHS Analyzer, our lineup offers unparalleled capabilities for rapid and precise analysis in various fields.

With advanced features like compact designs, Peltier electric refrigeration, and compliance with national radiation safety standards, our analyzers ensure laboratory-comparable results in the field without compromising on safety or quality.

Whether you're in waste recycling, environmental assessment, consumer product safety, or the petrochemical industry, our analyzers provide essential insights for trade, processing, quality testing, safety audits, and recycling. Experience the convenience, efficiency, and reliability of our XRF And XRD Analyzer series for comprehensive analysis needs.

Product Categories

Handheld XRF Analyzer TrueX Series

The Handheld XRF Analyzer TrueX Series, a powerful handheld device designed for rapid and accurate analysis in various fields...

Portable XRF Analyzer PeDX Series

Portable XRF Analyzer PeDX Series is a state of the art portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer tailored to meet your analysis...

ScopeX RoHS Analyzer

The ScopeX RoHS Analyzer is an all-in-one X-ray fluorescence analyzer built for screening and analyzing hazardous...

ScopeX CS Desktop Spectrometer Family

The ScopeX CS Desktop Spectrometer Family, a cutting-edge range of spectrometers designed for high-precision...

YANG Family SW-XRF Analyzers

YANG Family SW-XRF Analyzers, a cutting-edge line of XRF analysis instruments. These analyzers are designed for diverse...

Raman Spectrometers

Our cutting-edge Raman Spectrometers, including the PeDXRAMAN, equipped with advanced features for precise and efficient...

LIBS Analyzer

Our cutting-edge product, the LIBS Analyzer. Harnessing Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) technology...

Online Monitor

The Online Monitor, an innovative solution designed to revolutionize material sorting processes. This advanced tool combines cutting-edge XRF technology with...

XRF Analyzers – X-ray Diffractometers

The SHINE and FRINGE Families of XRD Analyzers – X-ray Diffractometers, revolutionizing material analysis...

Gold Precious Metal Analyzer

The Gold Precious Metal Analyzer series, a comprehensive lineup revolutionizing the assessment of precious metals.

Coating Thickness Analyzer

The Coating Thickness Analyzer offers advanced solutions for analyzing coating thickness in diverse industries, ensuring...

TXRF Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer – TTX3000S

TXRF Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer – TTX3000S is a highly portable device specifically crafted for elemental and trace analysis...

How Can We Help You?

Contact our sales team for a quotation.

Please Contact us for pricing, check availability, or ask for additional information about our XRF And XRD Analyzers