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Petrochemical Testing Equipment - Marine Oils Testing Equipment

Marine Oils Testing Equipment

Marine Oils Testing Equipment - offers precision testing equipment essential for quality control in marine oil production. Our product lineup includes the Manual Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester TT-92, ensuring compliance with ASTM D92 standards for flash and fire point determination in lubricating oils and dark petroleum products. Additionally, the Double Tubes Distillation Apparatus TT-86A meets ASTM D86 standards, facilitating the distillation of light and middle distillates, including marine fuels, among others. Trust "Marine Oils" for reliable testing solutions in the marine oil industry.

Available Products

Manual Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester

Manual Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester TT-92 adheres to the ASTM D92 Test Standard method for Flash and Fire Points...

Automatic Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester

Manual Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester TT-92 adheres to the ASTM D92 Test Standard method for Flash and Fire Points...

Manual Pensky-Martens Closed-Cup Flash Point Tester

Manual Pensky-Martens Closed-Cup Flash Point Tester TT-93 tester complies with the ASTM D93 Standard Test Methods for...

Automatic Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester

Automatic Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester TT-93Z adheres to ASTM D93 Standard Test Methods for Flash...

Double Tubes Distillation Apparatus

Double Tubes Distillation Apparatus TT-86A meets the ASTM D86 Standard Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum...

Vacuum Distillation Apparatus

Vacuum Distillation Apparatus TT-1160 adheres to the ASTM D1160 Standard Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum...

Water in Crude Oil Apparatus (Distillation Method)

Water in Crude Oil Apparatus (Distillation Method) TT-4006A - Understanding the water content of crude oil is crucial for...

Coulometric Karl-Fischer Titration Tester

Water in Crude Oil Apparatus (Distillation Method) TT-4006A - Understanding the water content of crude oil is crucial for...

Volumetric Karl Fischer Moisture Titrator

Water in Crude Oil Apparatus (Distillation Method) TT-4006A - Understanding the water content of crude oil is crucial for...

Manual Kinematic Viscosity Bath

Manual Kinematic Viscosity Bath TT-445 conforms to ASTM D445, the Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of...

Semi Automatic Kinematic Viscosity Apparatus

ICP for Middle Distillate Fuels TT-7111 utilizes inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) to...

Automatic Kinematic Viscosity Apparatus

ICP for Middle Distillate Fuels TT-7111 utilizes inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) to...

Fully Automatic Pour and Cloud Point Tester

Fully Automatic Pour and Cloud Point Tester is designed for precise cloud point (CP) and pour point (PP) testing of petroleum products following standards such as ASTM D97...

X-ray Fluorescence Sulfur Content Apparatus

X-ray Fluorescence Sulfur Content Apparatus TT-4294 has long been the preferred choice in the petroleum...

Mercaptan Sulfur Content (Potentiometric Titration Method)

Mercaptan Sulfur Content (Potentiometric Titration Method) TT-3227 utilizes the potentiometric titration method. In this...

Quartz Tube Sulfur Apparatus

Quartz Tube Sulfur Apparatus TT-1551 utilizing the Quartz-Tube Method, aligns with the ASTM D1551 Method of Test...

Sulfur Lamp Method Unit

Sulfur Lamp Method Unit TT-1266m Method Unit aligns with the ASTM D1266 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in...

Sulfur and Chlorine Microcoulometric Titrator

Sulfur and Chlorine Micro Coulometric Titrator TT-4929 - When the sample is injected into a quartz tube and mixed...

Oxidation Stability Tester for Distillate (Acceleration Method)

Oxidation Stability Tester for Distillate (Acceleration Method) TT-2274Z adheres to the ASTM D2274 Standard Test Method...

Density Test by API Hydrometer

Density Test by API Hydrometer TT-1298 conforms to ASTM D1298 Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density, or...

Micro Carbon Residue Apparatus

Micro Carbon Residue Apparatus TT-4530 adheres to the ASTM D4530 Standard Test Method for Determination of Carbon...

Ramsbottom Carbon Residue Apparatus(Electric furnace method)

Ramsbottom Carbon Residue Apparatus (Electric furnace method) TT-524 complies with the ASTM D524 Standard for...

Smoke Point Apparatus for Kerosene

Smoke Point Apparatus for Kerosene TT-1322 complies with the ASTM D1322 Standard Test Method for Smoke Point of...

Ash Content for Petroleum Product

Ash Content for Petroleum Product TT-482 complies with the ASTM D482 Standard Test Method for Ash from...

Sediment Extraction in Crude Oil and Fuel Oil

Sediment Extraction in Crude Oil and Fuel Oil TT-473 aligns with the ASTM D473 Standard Test Method for Sediment in...

Rusting Characteristics of Oils

Rusting Characteristics of Oils TT-665 conforms to the ASTM D665 Standard Test Method for Rust-Preventing...

Total Sediment in Residual Fuels

Total Sediment in Residual Fuels TT-4870 complies with the ASTM D4870 Standard Test Method for Determination of Total...

Oil Test Centrifuge

Oil Test Centrifuge TT-1796 adheres to several ASTM standards, including ASTM D1290, ASTM D1796, ASTM D2709...

Automatic Calorimeter

Automatic Calorimeter TT-5865 complies with ASTM D240 Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid...

Oil Particle Counter

Oil Test Centrifuge TT-1796 adheres to several ASTM standards, including ASTM D1290, ASTM D1796, ASTM D2709...

Salt Content of Crude Oil Tester

Salt Content of Crude Oil Tester TT-3230 complies with the standard ASTM D3230 Standard Test Method for Salts in Crude...

Colorimeter for Petroleum Products

Colorimeter for Petroleum Products TT-1500 complies with the ASTM D1500 Standard Test Method for ASTM Color of...

ICP for Crude Oils and Residual Fuels

ICP for Crude Oils and Residual Fuels TT-5708 adheres to the ASTM D5708 Standard Test Methods for Determination...

Rotary Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometer (RDE-AES)

Rotary Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometer (RDE-AES) TT-6595 is capable of directly testing the metallic...

Flame Furance Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Flame Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer TT-AAS adheres to the ASTM D4628 Standard Test Method for...

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